Thursday, February 24, 2011

The Term Paper Artist (listening)

In an interview with Nick Mamatas, the Term Paper Artist, , Nick Mamatas is being interviewed by Bob Garfield about his article "The Term Paper Artist". In his interview Nick talks to the interviewer about all of the major aspects of his article. He explains in detail the different types of clients he deals with and the different topics he must write about. Mamatas has a very cocky tone and chooses very persuasive words.
Hearing Mamatas's voice made me change my opinion about him. Mamatas sounds like an extreme know-it-all. His tone of voice makes him seen like he is full of himself.
The medium of this interview may have a different affect on the audience than an interview that would be read. Hearing Mamatas's voice may make the audience, like myself, feel that Mamatas is rude. The entire interview Mamatas mentions more than once that his clients are too dumb to do their assignment on their own. If I were going to buy one of Mamatas's term papers, I would reconsider my decision because i would want to write my own paper and prove him wrong.

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